Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Boxing Day Birding

Hello readers I hope you all had a great Christmas and ready to burn of all those mince pies with a bit of birding. It is a family tradition to go to Southend on boxing day so for me it was taking some shots of the turnstones and sanderlings on the beach. Normally we take a stroll along the pier but due to engineering works to is out of use. I only took a few snaps but I hope you enjoy looking at them.

Matthew Foakes (M.F)

Turnstone (M.F)

Sanderling (M.F)
Too many late nights(M.F)

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Leigh on sea

Hello readers

Sorry for the lack of information recently but other events got in the way but we are back in full spirit. Today I went to leigh on sea near southend really just to see the turnstones. These are fantastic small birds that run so fast with there tiny little legs. I took full benefit of the weather trying to use the blue sky as a back drop were possible. I had a close in counter with a sanderling too which in some case came too close to focus.

I really enjoyed and would recommend on a nice afternoon/morning taking a trip that way. But make sure you take the thermals as it can be could in some parts.

Matthew Foakes (M.F)