Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Rainham Again

Today Jamie and myself took a visit to Rainham Marshes. Having the whole day there we spent a lot of time looking at the water rail and spotting yellow wagtails. While watching the rails we saw a large flock of goldfichs and a sedge warbler. It was a really enjoyable and would like to go down there again before we go back to school.

Young Birders

Rainham Marshes 29/09/2011

Today I went took a visit to rainham marshes as the whether decided to not rain. I was over cast however the sun shone through at times. There was lots of birding action with highlight of the day being 3 water rail chicks and 2 parents. There were penalty of common lizards scatted along the broad walks along with a wasp sider close to Ken barrats hide. It was great day and I hope the autumn migration brings a few more rare birds.


Saturday, 27 August 2011

The Norwegian Fjords

Hi readers,

My family and I have recently returned from a Cruise around the Norwegian Fjords.  When we arrived at the Docks in Southampton we boarded the ship and was escorted to our cabin.  While my parents was unpacking, I stood out on our balcony trying to get some flight shots of Gulls.

  After we had sailed away from Southampton, I was starting to see some more sea birds, like Gannets, Guillemots and other divers.

 After two days at sea we was in Norwegian waters,  the views from our balcony were spectacular. I was lucky enough to see a pod of Dolphins swimming beside the ship.  On one of the excursions we went to see a glacier in Alden,  after a long walk we arrived at the glacier, the views were truly spectacular.  The holiday was amazing and I hope to visit Norway again one day.
Jamie Croft

Common Gull


The Glacier


Monday, 22 August 2011

Annual Bug Hunt at Rainham Marshes

Yesterday I attended the Annual Bug Hunt at Rainham Marshes. We first Walked Along the Sea Wall finding many ladybirds and an Orb Spider. Then we walked down into the marshland discovery zone were we did on pond dipping to find a Caddis Fly Lavay and many water boat man. Net sweeping found lots and lots of grasshoppers and a few bush crickets. It was a very enjoyable day and would do it next year again.

Matthew Foakes

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Rainham Marshes

Today I visited RSPB Rainham Marshes which if you are a regular viewer then you will know is one of our favourite reserves and also our local Patch. As I set of around the reserve I could see the butterflies flying around in the sky. I attempted some photos but unfortunately failed. When I got to the first little river on the broad walks I spotted a grass snake swimming over the water. In the Ken barrats hide A family of Little Egrets were happily feeding in the marshes.

On the Northern Broad Walks many dragon flies were flying around chasing one another. Occasionally a Common or Ruddy Darter would land on the walk in front of me. I really enjoyed the day and hope to get back there some time soon.



Hello viewers,

Just a quick post but I took a trip down to Maldon in Essex very near Heybridge yesterday. As usual it was very busy as it is the summer holidays but I still managed to see a seal in the Backwater! When I saw it I quickly got got hold of my camera and snapped away. As well as the seal I saw hundreds of black-tailed Godwits. It is defiantly a great place to go if you have children because there a great play area where they can play and you can then do some good birding.


Black tailed godwit feeding



Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Weymouth 2011

Hello viewers.

I have just returned from a family holiday to weymouth which is very close to were they filmed the easter special of Springwatch at the Portland bird observatory. The town has a harbour were you very often see herring gulls rummaging through the rubbish bins in search for any food. In this case it is any fish and chips. On our holiday we visited RSPB Radipole Lake where we saw a verity of insects and butterflies. I think sometimes you see more insects than birds! We also visited portland bill and I saw gannets racing along the sky line.

A really enjoyable holiday which most days we spent on the beach and along the harbour.

Matthew Foakes